BrandenburgTrend: AfD and SPD gain ground – gap remains the same

BrandenburgTrend: AfD and SPD gain ground – gap remains the same

Status: 05.09.2024 20:51

Two weeks before the elections in Brandenburg, the AfD is still the strongest party in the polls. The SPD gained a few percentage points, but was unable to reduce the gap. Two parties are moving close to the five percent hurdle.

After the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, just two and a half weeks before the next election in the east, the AfD is also ahead in Brandenburg. The SPD, in second place, is unable to reduce the gap despite increased support. This is the result of the current BrandenburgTrend by infratest dimap on behalf of the ARD political magazine Kontraste from rbb.

If there were a state election next Sunday, the AfD would get 27 percent. Compared to July, it gained four percentage points, just like the SPD, which is at 23 percent. The CDU lost one point and got 18 percent. The Sahra Wagenknecht coalition could expect 15 percent of the vote, which is one percentage point less than in July.

Government participation BSW

Greens have to tremble – Left would not be represented

The Greens lost two points compared to the July survey and would only just get back into the state parliament with five percent. The Left Party is at four percent, BVB/Free Voters at three percent, just like in July. All other parties together would not reach more than five percent.

31 percent of those surveyed would be in favor of the AfD participating in government. A clear majority (61 percent) are against the party participating in government. Almost all AfD supporters (97 percent) want the party to participate in the next state government. 28 percent of BSW supporters and 14 percent of CDU supporters can imagine the AfD as a governing party. Supporters of the SPD and the Greens are almost unanimous in their opinion that this would not be a good thing (96 and 95 percent respectively).

Photo gallery

Photo gallery: Survey on the next state election in Brandenburg

Flight and immigration are the most important issues

When it comes to the question of whether Sahra Wagenknecht's coalition would be good or bad in government, opinions are evenly balanced. 42 percent are in favor of participating in the government, and the same number are skeptical.

A few days after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, the people of Brandenburg were also asked about the most important political problems that need to be solved in Brandenburg. For a relative majority of 40 percent, the issues of flight and immigration are at the top of the list, with education and schools coming in second place with 26 percent. Mobility and traffic are the most important problem for 12 percent of those surveyed, and for 11 percent, medical care in the state is the most urgent issue. Environment and climate (7 percent) and housing and rent (6 percent) are further down the list.

Before the last state election in June 2019, mobility (25 percent), education (21 percent) and climate change (19 percent) were at the top of the list of issues.

For the representative survey, a total of 1,207 eligible voters in Brandenburg were interviewed on Tuesday and Wednesday (3/4 September).

Broadcast: rbb24 Brandenburg Aktuell, 05.09.24, 19:30