Bitwarden in the test (2024): Password manager with transparent open source principle

Bitwarden in the test (2024): Password manager with transparent open source principle


The password manager Bitwarden is convincing not least because of its open source principle. However, this also has its downsides, which we will show you in more detail in our test.

Bitwarden in review

Editorial rating 7.8 Reader ratings

112 reviews

Free, open password manager without a lot of bells and whistles

Bitwarden impresses with a fundamentally well thought-out and secure protection concept for your passwords. This makes minor flaws such as the autofill function not always working perfectly or the sometimes cumbersome handling of the plug-ins all the more annoying. On the other hand, Bitwarden offers some advantages with its open source structure, the almost unlimited free version and a wide range of platform and browser support that many password managers lack. All of this and an intuitive user interface make Bitwarden a good alternative to the high-priced password managers on the market. If you value convenience, you should invest the few euros more for the Teams or Enterprise version.

We liked that

  • Intuitive menus and functions
  • free and open source
  • high safety standards
  • Diversity in browser compatibility

We didn't like that

  • Autofill function with errors
  • Plug-ins are not very convenient
  • greater range of functions

Password managers in comparison

In our detailed comparison test, we present the most popular password manager. There we show you what you should look out for when using a password manager and which ones we currently rate as the best. » To the detailed password manager comparison

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  1. Free password manager with optional upgrades

  2. Bitwarden: Chrome, Firefox, Tor and even Brave support

  3. Download, installation and setup

  4. High security at the expense of user-friendliness

  5. Bitwarden also looks good on smartphones

  6. Bitwarden shows unpleasant errors

  7. Conclusion & Alternatives

Bitwarden's open source principle makes the password manager something special compared to competitors such as 1Password, LastPass or Dashlane. The management of your password vault is not primarily controlled by the provider. Instead, Bitwarden relies on a high level of transparency.

This means you are not dependent on a large provider keeping their data protection promise, but you can even take a look at the source code of the software yourself or help develop new versions. You can also download and install Bitwarden completely free of charge and use it to store your passwords.

We will tell you below how well the service performs in practical tests and what you need to know about the functions and operation of the password manager.

Free password manager with optional upgrades

In addition to this “Free Organization” version, Bitwarden offers two other versions, each of which requires you to invest a single-digit amount of money each month. They differ mainly in terms of special convenience features that are not included in the free version. These include a file sharing function, security reports on your stored content, or a gigabyte of encrypted online storage space. However, these are more like nice additions. The free version still contains all the essential components of a good password manager.

The Bitwarden vault shows you the most important functions directly in the main menu. The layout may vary slightly on different platforms.

The Bitwarden vault shows you the most important functions directly in the main menu. The layout may vary slightly on different platforms. (Source: Bitwarden)

Bitwarden: Chrome, Firefox, Tor and even Brave support

And Bitwarden has a lot to offer in this area. In addition to clients for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS, you can use your Bitwarden conveniently via common browsers by supporting the appropriate plug-ins. These are available for Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, the Tor browser, Vivaldi and Brave. We have rarely seen such diverse usage options in other password managers.

With Bitwarden you can store not only passwords, but also credit card data or entire personas in the cloud.

With Bitwarden you can store not only passwords, but also credit card data or entire personas in the cloud. (Source: Bitwarden)

Once you have installed the program, you can start managing your passwords. Your password safe is secured using AES258 standard encryption (end-to-end). This cloud service is the heart of the software and, unlike other providers, those responsible for Bitwarden also communicate directly the location from which all data is hosted: the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Download, installation and setup

As always, you start by creating a master password. Too bad: We searched in vain for a password generator that would help us create a secure and easy-to-remember password. After logging in and activating all the important browser plug-ins, Bitwarden gets to work.

As soon as you have entered a password or similar access data in the browser, Bitwarden offers to save the data for future login processes. This is a convenient way to create your password collection. However, there is no direct autofill function, which automatically enters your passwords during the login process in the web browser.

You should proceed with caution when exporting your passwords.

You should proceed with caution when exporting your passwords. (Source: Bitwarden)

Instead, you have to click on the Bitwarden plug-in icon and select the appropriate entry from your saved website login details to have it inserted. Other password managers are simpler and more convenient, but Bitwarden's method is more secure.

High security at the expense of user-friendliness

Although Bitwarden comes with the appropriate desktop apps, the password manager shows its talents primarily in the browser. The clients are primarily used for direct access to your password safe in the cloud. But don't worry if your internet connection should fail. Bitwarden also stores your passwords encrypted on your computer, and offline access is also possible.

When exporting saved passwords, you can choose between CSV and JSON format. This displays your passwords in plain text, which also makes it easier to print out a manual password list. However, you should always keep it well protected so that it never falls into the wrong hands. The same applies if you save the exported file. However, other people cannot simply access your password list because your master password will still be requested to open the file. This eliminates any security concerns.

Unfortunately, the password generator is not available when creating the master password

While the password generator is still missing when creating the master password, you have access to such a tool after setting up the program. The password manager's other features include a function that allows you to share your passwords, as well as unlimited storage space for notes, credit card details, login information and the like. But that's about it. Users of a paid version of Bitwarden still benefit from the convenience functions described above.

Bitwarden also looks good on smartphones

The mobile version of Bitwarden is very similar to the desktop version. In the main screen of the app you will find all data records, folders and data collections clearly listed. You can quickly and easily switch to the password generator or the settings via the menu bar.

Overall, Bitwarden looks good on the smartphone.

Overall, Bitwarden looks good on the smartphone. (Source:

Saved logins are opened via your regular browser and not via an internal one. However, this also means that the app has some weaknesses when using the autofill function. Bitwarden does not always reliably recognize the input fields for logins.

One advantage of the app is that you are not forced to enter a master password, but can also unlock your safe using a PIN or fingerprint. Another downside is that the app is currently only available in English. Nevertheless, it makes a good impression overall.

Password Manager Comparison 2024: Our Experiences with the Best Password Software

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Bitwarden shows unpleasant errors

As many advantages as nature offers as an open source program, this situation also has its downsides. For example, the recognition of the browser plug-in does not work on some websites or only works incorrectly. In our test, we had no problems with the login process on Twitter, Amazon and the WordPress blog, but on Facebook and when using Apple iCloud, Bitwarden refused to offer to save our login data. However, there were no problems with recognizing existing passwords. Such errors, which sometimes seem arbitrary, are unpleasant and make it difficult to use the otherwise impressive password manager.



Editorial rating 7.8 Reader ratings

112 reviews

Transparency note: We used the free version to test BitWarden. We needed missing features, such as secure online storage, for this test.

Bitwarden: The best alternatives

Not to your liking? Are you looking for suitable alternatives? Below you will find the best Bitwarden alternatives.

We also recommend that you take a look at our password manager best lists. You can find comparable products, for example, in the best list “Password Manager Comparison 2024: Our Experiences with the Best Password Software”

Bitwarden: Datasheet

Here you can find the technical data for Bitwarden. You can easily compare the size, weight and other properties with other products.

Operating system Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android
Browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera
Autofill for forms Yes
Password generator Yes
Encryption AES 256-bit
Two-factor authentication Yes
Double check / security audit Yes
import JSON, CSV, XML
export CSV, JSON
Sharing entries Yes

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