Stefanie Giesinger: Unwanted pregnancy was a nightmare

Stefanie Giesinger: Unwanted pregnancy was a nightmare

Stefanie Giesinger
Unwanted pregnancy was a nightmare

Stefanie Giesinger went through difficult times in 2023.

© imago/APress / A-way!/Boris Trenkel

Stefanie Giesinger speaks publicly about an abortion she had last year.

Stefanie Giesinger, 28, spoke in her podcast “G Spot” about an abortion that she had last year. In an accompanying Instagram post, she also talks about the unwanted pregnancy and the abortion procedure: “I became pregnant about a year ago and incredibly difficult months followed,” writes the model.

Stefanie Giesinger: The abortion was made more difficult for her

In her conversation with influencer Nike van Dinther, Giesinger describes how the abortion was made difficult for her. She says that she was first examined by a gynecologist who did not take her decision not to have the child seriously. On Instagram, she writes that when she was looking for abortion options and contact points, she was confronted with websites full of baby photos. The mandatory appointment at “Pro Familia” was not an easy one either: “My heart was beating fast and I was getting nauseous. I knew I was in for weeks of hell and I had to pull myself together to get through them.”

Giesinger: “Fight against my own body”

Giesinger decided to have a surgical abortion, for which she had to be six weeks pregnant. “Shame, fear, sadness, confusion, pain and uncertainty made my life difficult. My body was changing, something was growing inside me and I didn't want it.” She describes the time until the abortion as a “battle against my own body.”

The abortion could only take place once the fertilized egg was visible. “I was put under anesthesia and my uterus was drained.” More weeks followed, which Giesinger describes in retrospect as depression: “The sudden drop in hormones, the guilty conscience and the excessive demands plunged me into a dark hole,” she describes.

At the end of the post, she thanks the people who supported her during this time: “I would not have survived this time alone.” Giesinger also emphasizes that she is grateful “for the privilege of being able to decide about my own body.”

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