Finally the ultimate game for fans of Warhammer 40,000?

Finally the ultimate game for fans of Warhammer 40,000?

The co-op missions themselves follow the same pattern that we already know from the single player. Here, too, you basically just rush from arena to arena, mowing through hordes of enemies, pressing a switch or clearing a path along the way. But the six different classes bring a bit of fresh air into the action. And since the missions are all well designed and your characters even have radio contact with Titus, they actually work really well as a supplement to the main story.

The reward for your efforts

The biggest difference to the single player only becomes apparent once you have completed such a co-op mission. There is a fairly extensive character development waiting for you here: you get experience points, level up and can then unlock new perks for each class in a talent tree that give you passive advantages. Even at second glance, this is suspiciously reminiscent of the underrated Darktide.

Source: PCGames

Your weapons also gain experience and can be improved over time. This is also necessary because there are a total of four difficulty levels for the co-op missions – and everyone starts at the lowest level. According to the game, you are only fit enough for the second difficulty level once you have reached level 5 with a class. And because leveling up takes a long time at the beginning, you have to grind a few co-op missions before you can really move on. However, there are only six missions to choose from so far, which means that there isn't really much variety on offer yet.

In addition to experience points, you also receive cosmetic rewards for each completed co-op mission and a currency that you can use to unlock additional design elements for your classes, such as armor colors and symbols. This allows you to gradually customize your characters to your taste and create a character that suits your needs. However, these unlocks do not provide any gameplay advantages. If you really want to get stronger, you absolutely have to upgrade your weapons – and that can only be done by playing diligently.

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