Presenter becomes actress at SAT.1

Presenter becomes actress at SAT.1

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Isabel Varell (right) stars in the new SAT.1 series “Für alle Falle Familie”. © SAT.1

A new series is starting in the evening program on SAT.1. An actress was previously seen as a presenter on ARD.

Dortmund – Advice news, celebrity interviews and morning chat: The show “Live after nine” on ARD was light entertainment in the morning and in terms of content was comparable to the “ARD Buffet”. The good-humored presenter Isabel Varell was always there. In 2023, “Live after nine” was canceled after five years and Varell was seen less often on TV.

After leaving the ARD show: presenter becomes actress at SAT.1

That is exactly what will change from October 7th. From there, Varell can be seen on SAT.1. Not as a presenter, but as an actress in the new early evening series “Für alle Falle Familie”. This is scheduled to start every day at 6 p.m., also directly before the “Spreewaldklinik” broadcast slot.

What sounds unusual at first is not at all unusual in Isabel Varell's case: she has always been not only a presenter, but also a singer and actress. From 2009 to 2010, she played in the ARD series “Rote Rosen”. She made several appearances as “Linda Schreiber” in “In aller Freundschaft”.

In “Für alle Falle Familie” she will play the role of Inga, the mother of the main character Jule. SAT.1 has ordered a total of 80 episodes for the first season. This means that the series, like “Die Landarztpraxis”, will initially be shown daily on the channel. What exactly is it about?

After “Landarztpraxis”: SAT.1 has two new series in its TV program

Lawyer Julia “Jule” Beyer (played by Anna Angelina Wolfers), recently divorced, moves with her son Theo (Aurel Klug) back to the Moselle in the town of “Sonnstein”. Her mother (Isabel Varell) also lives there. There she wants to fulfill a long-held dream of becoming a family judge.

But as soon as she arrives in Sonnstein, she meets her childhood friend Marco (Arne Löber). Before her first hearing, she also meets lawyer Chris Hartmann (Kai Albrecht). He immediately invites her for a glass of wine. Similar to “Die Landarztpraxis”, a love triangle quickly becomes the focus of the series. The first episode started on October 7th at 6pm on SAT.1.